Licensed places to have an inscription over them;
and not be opened before five in the evening.
On breach of either of the said conditions the licence to be revoked.
3. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that, in order to give publick notice what places are licensed pursuant to this Act, there shall be affixed and kept up in some notorious place over the door or entrance of every such house, room, garden, or other place kept for any of the said purposes, and so licensed as aforesaid, an inscription in large capital letters in the words following; videlicet, licensed pursuant to act of parliament of the twenty-fifth of king George the second; and that no such house, room, garden, or other place kept for any of the said purposes, although licensed as aforesaid, shall be open for any of the said purposes before the hour of five in the afternoon; and that the affixing and keeping up of such inscription as aforesaid, and the said limitation or restriction in point of time, shall be inserted and made conditions of every such licence; and in case of any breach of either of the said conditions such licence shall be forfeited, and shall be revoked by the justices of peace in their next general or quarter sessions, and shall not be renewed, nor shall any new licence be granted to the same person or persons, or any other person on his or their or any of their behalf, or for their use or benefit, directly or indirectly, for keeping any such house, room, garden, or other place for any of the purposes aforesaid.