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An Act to enable His Majesty’s Postmaster General of Ireland to purchase Premises for the Enlargement of the General Post Office in the City of Dublin [27th May 1807.]
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Irish Act 23 & 24 G. 3.
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24 G.3.c.6.
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Postmaster General of Ireland may contract for the Purchase of Buildings, &c. for making Addition to the General Post Office.
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WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Parliament of Ireland, in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Years of the Reign of His present Majesty, for establishing a Post Office in that Kingdom, it was enacted, that as soon as conveniently might be after the passing of said Act, there should be a General Letter Office and Post Office established in some convenient Place within the City of Dublin, with Sub-offices throughout Ireland, from whence all Letters and Packets whatsoever to or from Places within Ireland or beyond Seas, might with Speed and Expedition, be sent, received, and dispatched: And whereas by an Act, passed by the Parliament of Great Britain in the Twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act for establishing certain Regulations concerning the Portage and Conveyance of Letters and Packets by the Post, between Great Britain and Ireland, His Majesty’s Post Master General of Great Britain was authorized and empowered to grant and convey to His Majesty’s Postmaster General of Ireland, certain Buildings erected in Dublin and known by the Name of The General Post Office in Ireland: And whereas the said Premises were accordingly duly conveyed by His Majesty’s Postmaster General of Great Britain to His Majesty’s Postmaster General of Ireland: And whereas from the great Increase of Business of the said General Post Office in Dublin, the said Premises are now insufficient for the Purposes of the said Establishment, and it is necessary and expedient to make considerable Additions thereto; be it therefore enacted by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same, That it shall–and may be lawful for His Majesty’s Postmaster General of Ireland for the Time being, and he is hereby authorized and empowered from Time to Time to contract with the Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors, of any House or Houses, Building or Buildings, as Parcel or Parcels, Plot or Plots of Ground adjoining or contiguous to the said General Post Office in the City of Dublin, and with the Lessee or Lessees of any such Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors, or in case any such Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors, Lessee or Lessees, shall be an Infant or Infants, with the Guardian or Guardians of any such Infant or Infants, for the Purchase of any such House or Houses, Building or Buildings, Plot or Plots, Parcel or Parcels of Ground, and for the respective Interests of all such Persons who shall be entitled thereto, for the Purpose or making any Addition to said General Post Office.
In case the Parties cannot agree, Value of Premises may be ascertained by a Jury.
II. And be it further enacted, That in case the said Postmaster General And such Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors, Lessee or Lessees, Guardian or Guardians, or any of them, cannot agree, the said Postmaster General for the Time being is hereby authorized and empowered from Time to Time by Warrant or Precept under his Hand and Seal to be directed to the Sheriffs of the City of Dublin, to command such Sheriffs to summon and return and such Sheriffs are hereby directed and required under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Which such Postmaster General or Secretary of said General Post Office for the Time being may, by an Order under his Hand and Seal, impose, to summon and return a competent Number of substantial and disinterested Persons qualified to serve on Juries, and being Inhabitants of the said City, not less than. Thirty or more than Sixty Persons, to appear before the said Postmaster General, or the Secretary of the said General Post Office for the Time being, at such Time and Place as by such Warrant or Precept aforesaid shall be directed and appointed, of which Time and Place such Persons so summoned as Jurors shall have Forty-eight Hours previous Notice; and every such Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors, Lessee or Lessees, Guardian or Guardians if to be found, shall have Seven Days previous Notice, and an Advertisement thereof, and if such Warrant having issued, shall be published Three Times in some Dublin Newspaper, the First Day of which Publication shall be Twenty Days at least previous to the Day on which such Jury shall be summoned be attend, and such Persons so summoned and returned are hereby required, under the Penalty of Five Pounds each, (which such Postmaster General or secretary may in like Manner as aforesaid impose) to appear before such Postmaster General or secretary of the said Post Office, at such Time and Place as in such Warrant or Precept shall be directed and appointed, and to attend until discharged by such Postmaster General or Secretary of the General Post Office, and out of such Persons so returned, a Jury of Twelve indifferent Persons shall be drawn by Ballot by some Person to be appointed by such Postmaster General or Secretary of the said General Post Office, and such Jury shall upon their Oaths (which Oaths, as also Oaths to such Person or Persons as shall be called upon to give Evidence, such Postmaster General or Secretary of the General Post Office, are hereby respectively authorized to administer) ascertain the Value of such House or Houses, Building or Buildings, Plot or Plots, Parcel or Parcels of Ground, and the Value of the several and respective Interests of such Persons as shall have any Right or Title thereto; and the said Postmaster General or Secretary of the laid General Post Office for the Time being, shall and may give Judgement for the Sum or Sums of Money at which such House or Houses, Building or Buildings, Plot or Plots, Parcel or Parcels of Ground shall be so valued, and such Verdict and Judgement thereupon shall be binding and conclusive to all Parties.
On Payment of Purchase Money, Conveyances of Premises to be made to the Postmaster General.
III. And be it further enacted, That upon Payment, or Tender in Money or in Notes of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland payable to Bearer, of such Sum or Sums of Money so to be awarded and adjudged to the Person or Persons entitled thereto, if of full Age, or in cafe any such Person or Persons shall be an Infant or Infants, to his, her, or their Guardian or Guardians, or in case of any Claims of any Creditors, or if any Dispute or Difference arising with respect to the Person or Persons entitled to receive such Sum or Sums of Money, upon Payment thereof into the Court of Chancery in Ireland, for the Use of the Person or Persons entitled thereto, (which Sum or Sums the said Court shall and may receive) the Person or Persons to whom the same shall be paid or tendered, or in case such Sum or Sums shall be paid into the Court of Chancery as aforesaid, the Person or Persons in whom the legal Estate or Estates of and in such Premises shall be then vested shall, within the Space of One Calendar Month, to be computed from the Time of such Payment or Tender, make and execute to His Majesty’s Postmaster General of Ireland for the Time being, and to his Successors, in Trust for His Majesty and His Successors, good, legal, and valid Conveyances and Assignments of their respective Interests in and to such House or Houses, Building or Buildings, Plot or Plots, Parcel or Parcels of Ground, for which such Sum or Sums of Money shall be so paid or tendered; and all Bargains, Sales, and Conveyances to be made by Persons of full Age, or by Guardians of Infants to such Postmaster General, for the Purposes of this Act, shall have the Force, Effect, and Operation in Law, to all Intents and Purposes, which any Fine or Fines, Recovery or Recoveries whatsoever would have if levied or suffered by the Person or Persons so conveying, or by any such Infant or Infants if of full Age; and such Postmaster General and his Successors shall, from and immediately after the Execution of such Conveyance or Conveyances, or of any Conveyance or Conveyances pursuant to the Directions of this Act, have and hold such House or Houses, Building or Buildings, Plot or Plots, Parcel or Parcels of Ground, absolutely freed and discharged of and from all and every Judgment Charge or Incumbrance whatsoever, acknowledged, had, made, or created, by any such Person or Persons so conveying, or by any Person or Persons from or under whom he, she, or they derive.
Guardians and Persons seized of Premises for Life, to convey the same.
IV. And be it further enabled, That in case any such House or Houses, Building or Buildings, Plot or Plots, Parcel or Parcels of Ground shall be in any Manner settled or entailed, and that there shall not be any Person or Persons in being entitled to convey by himself, herself, or themselves, or by his, her, or their Guardian or Guardians as aforesaid, the entire and absolute Estate and Interest of and in such Premises, or any of them, then upon Payment of the Sum or Sums which shall be so awarded and adjudged for such Premises into the Court of Chancery in Ireland, for the Use of the Person or Persons who shall be entitled thereto, it shall and may be lawful to and for any Person or Persons who shall be seised of Premises for his, her, or their Life or Lives, and they are hereby directed and empowered to convey the same, and all Right, Title, Estate, and Interest, in or to the same, to such Postmaster General and his Successors, freed and absolutely discharged of and from such Settlement or Entail, and all and every Limitation, Proviso, and Condition in such Settlement contained; and the said Court of Chancery shall and may, upon a Petition to be preferred for such Purpose, ascertain and direct to what Person or Persons, and in what Proportion, such Sum or Sums of Money shall be paid.
Such Conveyances to be valid.
V. And be it further enacted, That every Sale or Conveyance by any Guardian or Guardians of any Infant or Infants of any House or Houses, Building or Buildings, Plot or Plots, or Parcel or Parcels of Ground to such Postmaster General, for the Purposes aforesaid, shall be good and valid, and have the like Force and Effect in the Law, to all Intents and Purposes, as if such Sale or Conveyance had been executed by any such Infant or Infants being of full Age.
Court of Chancery to convey Premises, in case Parties refuse to execute Conveyances.
VI. And be it further enacted, That in case any Person or Persons or the Guardian or Guardians of any Infant or Infants, to whom any Sum or Sums of Money shall be awarded and adjudged for any such House or Houses, Buildings, Plot, or Parcel of Ground, shall neglect or refuse to execute a Conveyance or Conveyances to such Postmaster General of such House or Houses, Building or Buildings, Plot or Plots, Parcel or Parcels of Ground, or to give such Postmaster General the actual Possession thereof, such Postmaster General may prefer a Petition to the Court of Chancery in Ireland, praying that such Person or Persons who shall so neglect or refuse may be directed to execute such Conveyance or Conveyances, and deliver the Possession of any such Premises; and the said Court shall, upon hearing of such Petition, unless some good Cause shall be shewn to the contrary, order and direct such Conveyance or Conveyances to be executed, and shall, by the Injunction of the said Court, cause such Postmaster General to be put into the Possession of such Premises; and in case such Person or Persons who shall be so ordered and directed to execute such Conveyance or Conveyances shall neglect for the Space of One Calendar Month after such Order shall be pronounced, or shall refuse to execute such Conveyance or Conveyances, it shall and may be lawful to and for said Court of Chancery to order and direct One of the Masters of said Court to extend a Conveyance or Conveyances of such Premises to such Postmaster General and his Successors, and every such Conveyance by such Master shall have the like Force and Effect in Law and Equity, as if the same had been executed by such Person or Persons so ordered or directed to execute the same.
How Penalties shall be recovered.
VII. And be it further enacted, That all and every Penalty and Penalties, imposed or to be imposed by virtue of this Act, shall and may be sued for and recovered by Civil Bill, to be brought for the same in the Name of the Secretary of the General Post Office for the Time being, at any Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County, of the City of Dublin, and such Penalties when recovered shall be applied to the same Purposes as the Revenues arising from the Duties on Postage under the Management of the said Postmaster General of Ireland.