Butter improperly packed to be brought before mayor, &c.
16. And . . . that if any person or persons shall in any cask or casks pack up or mix old butter with new, or mix bay salt instead of white salt in packing it, or greater quantities of salt than what melts in working it up, and shall bring the same to any of the said weigh-houses, that it shall and may be lawful for every such weighmaster or weighmasters, his or their deputy or deputies, and he and they is and are hereby empowered and required, to seize and carry such cask of butter, and cause the person who brought the same to be weighed or the owner thereof to be summoned to appear before the mayor, chief magistrate, or justice of the peace of the county as aforesaid (as the case may be), who is hereby empowered and required to inquire into the same, and if such cask shall upon examination, inspection, or due proof appear to him to contain old butter mixed with new, or that bay salt instead of white salt shall have been used in packing such butter, or that greater quantities of salt than what melts in it hath been used in packing it up, he shall adjudge such cask or casks, with the butter contained therein, to be forfeited; and if such mayor, chief magistrate, or justice of the peace aforesaid (as the case may be) shall be doubtful concerning such butter, or if either party require it, such mayor, chief magistrate, or justice of the peace aforesaid, as the case may be, is hereby empowered and required to summon, examine, and hear upon oath or affirmation as aforesaid, as the case may be, (which oath or affirmation the said mayor, chief magistrate, or justice of the peace aforesaid, as the case may happen to be, is hereby empowered and required to administer) two skilful, disinterested, and impartial persons, whom he shall consider and believe to be competent judges in relation to the nature and quality of such butter, that he may be the better able to determine concerning the same.