Where a felony is committed on a vessel in a canal, &c. the venue may be laid and the trial held in any county or city through which the vessel passed during the journey.
Saving as to Court of Admiralty.
[1.] In any indictment for any felony committed on board any barge, boat, trow, or other vessel whatever, employed or used in carrying or conveying goods, wares, and merchandize, or in which any such goods, wares, or merchandize shall be, in or upon any canal, navigable river, or inland navigation in any part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, it shall be sufficient to alledge that such felony was committed within any county or city, through any part whereof such boat, barge, trow, or other vessel shall have passed in the course of the voyage or journey during which such felony shall have been committed; and in cases wherein the sides or banks of any navigable river, canal, or inland navigation, or the centre thereof shall constitute the boundary of any two counties or cities, it shall be sufficient to alledge that such felony was committed in either of the said counties or cities, through which or any part thereof such boat, barge, trow, or other vessel shall have passed in the course of the voyage or journey, during which such felony shall have been committed; and every such felony shall and may be inquired of, tried, and determined in the county or city within which the same felony shall be so alledged to have been committed; and all and every person and persons who shall be convicted of any such felony so to be inquired of, tried, and determined as aforesaid, shall be subject and liable to all such pains, penalties, and forfeitures, as such person or persons convicted of such felony would have been subject and liable to, in case such felony had been inquired of, tried, and determined in the county in which the same felony was actually committed, any law, statute, or usage to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding; Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to affect the jurisdiction of the High Court of Admiralty.