Persons not compellable to have empty casks branded; nor to bring casks of butter to be weighed, &c. before they are exposed for sale or export.
[1.] Nothing in the said recited Acts or in any former Act contained, nor any charter or charters heretofore granted, nor any law, custom, or usage, now or at any time heretofore in force, shall extend or be construed to extend to oblige any person or persons, or any body or bodies politic or corporate, to subject any empty cask or casks for packing of butter to be weighed and branded, in the manner therein mentioned, within any city or liberties thereof, town corporate, sea-port, place of export, or market town, in Ireland; or to oblige any person or persons, or any body or bodies politic or corporate, to have any cask or casks of butter brought to any of the weigh-houses aforesaid to be tasted, weighed, and proved, by such weighmaster or weighmasters, taster or tasters as aforesaid, before the same is or are sold or exposed to sale in or exported from any such city or liberties thereof, town corporate, sea-port or place of export, or market town; or to render any butter, not being merchantable, liable on that account to any forfeiture; or to subject any land-waiter or other revenue officer to any forfeiture or penalty for permitting any cask or casks of butter to be shipped or laden on board of any ship, boat, or vessel, in order to be exported as merchandize, without having been previously weighed, branded, and marked as before mentioned; or to oblige any person or persons selling or exposing to sale casks for packing of butter, or making up or packing any butter in any such cask or casks, to observe the regulations in the said Acts or any of them contained, respecting the materials of which or the manner in which such casks shall be made; or to oblige any person or persons buying or selling or exposing for sale any empty casks, or any butter in casks, to observe or comply with the regulations herein-before mentioned or referred to, or any of them.
Act not to abolish the offices of weighmasters, tasters, &c.
2. Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend to abolish the office of any weighmaster or taster or deputy weighmaster or taster of butter, or to prevent any person or persons offering any butter in casks, or any empty casks for the packing of butter, for sale in Ireland, or about to export any such butter or casks, from requiring any such weighmaster or taster to weigh, taste, and prove, inspect, mark, and brand, any casks or casks of butter, or any empty cask or casks for the packing of butter, in the manner in and by the said Acts prescribed, and subject and according to and in pursuance of all and every the provisions, rules, and regulations, in and by the said Acts in that behalf contained and made.