Poor Rate Exemption Act, 1833



An Act to exempt from Poor and Church Rates all Churches, Chapels, and other Places of Religious Worship. [24th July 1833.]


No persons shall be rated to church or poor rates for churches or places exclusively appropriated to public religious worship, and duly certified.

[1.] No person or persons shall be rated or shall be liable to be rated or to pay to any church or poor rates or cesses, for or in respect of any churches, district churches, chapels, meeting houses, or premises, or such part thereof as shall be exclusively appropriated to public religious worship, and which (other than churches, district churches, and episcopal chapels of the established church) shall be duly certified for the performance of such religious worship according to the provision of any Act or Acts now in force: Provided always, that no person or persons shall be hereby exempted from any such rates or cesses for or in respect of any parts of such churches, district churches, chapels, meeting houses, or other premises which are not so exclusively appropriated, and from which parts not so exclusively appropriated such person or persons shall receive any rent or rents, or shall derive profit or advantage.

Persons not to be liable to rates because premises are used for Sunday schools, &c.

2. Provided always, that no person or persons shall be liable to any such rates or cesses because the said churches, district churches, chapels, meeting houses, or other premises, or any vestry rooms belonging thereto, or any part thereof, may be used for Sunday or infant schools, or for the charitable education of the poor.