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An Act to exempt certain Retailers of Spirits to a small Amount from the additional Duties on Licences; and to discontinue the Excise Survey on Wine, and the Use of Permits for the Removal thereof. [31st August 1835.]
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[Ss. 1, 2 rep. 37 & 38 Vict. c. 35. (S.L.R.)]
So much of any Act as requires entries by dealers in wine and accounts of stocks of wine, &c., repealed.
3. So much of any Act or Acts as requires any dealer in or retailer of wine to make entry of the premises by him occupied for dealing in or retailing wine, and as requires the keeping an account by the officers of excise of the stocks of wine in the possession of dealers or retailers, and as authorizes the survey by officers of excise of such stocks, and of the premises in which the same are kept, shall be and the same is hereby repealed.
Retailers of wine, who also deal in or retail spirits, shall continue to make entry, and officers of excise may enter and examine the places used by them for keeping wine.
4. Provided always, that where any dealer in or retailer of wine shall also be a dealer in or retailer of foreign or British spirits in the same house or premises, or in any other house or premises within five hundred yards, such dealer or retailer shall continue to make entry with the officers of excise of every house, room, cellar, vault, or place made use of by him for the keeping or storing of or dealing in or retailing wine, on pain of forfeiting for every unentered house, room, cellar, vault or place, fifty pounds, together with all wine and other liquors which may be found therein; and it shall be lawful for any officer of excise at any time to enter into any house, room, cellar, vault, or place used by any such dealer or retailer for keeping or storing, dealing in or retailing wine, and to examine all wine therein.
Requirement of permits for removal of wine repealed.
5. So much of any Act or Acts as relates to the requiring of permits for the removal of wine shall be and the same is hereby repealed.
Act not to affect licences for dealing in wine.
6. Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall extend, or be deemed or construed to extend, to affect the duties on licences required to be taken out by dealers in and retailers of wine; but that every dealer in and retailer of wine shall take out a licence or licences, and pay for the same, in the same manner as if this Act had not been passed.
Licences may be granted to sell beer, spirits, and wine in theatres, &c., without production of a certificate.
7. It shall be lawful for the commissioners and officers of excise, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, to grant retail licences to any person to sell beer, spirits, and wine in any theatre established under a royal patent, or in any theatre or other place of public entertainment licensed by the lord chamberlain or by justices of the peace, without the production by the person applying for such licence or licences of any certificate or authority for such person to keep a common inn, alehouse, or victualling house; any thing in any Act or Acts to the contrary notwithstanding.
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[S. 8 rep. 37 & 38 Vict. c. 35. (S.L.R.)]