Evidence Amendment Act, 1853

So much of Section 1. of 6 & 7 Vict.c.85. as relates to Husbands and Wives, repealed.

IV. So much of Section One of the Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Sixth and Seventh Years of Her present Majesty, Chapter Eighty-five, as provides that the said Act shall not render competent the Husband or Wife of any Party to any Suit, Action, or Proceeding individually named in the Record, or of any Lessor of the Plaintiff or of the Tenant of Premises sought to be recovered in Ejectment, or of the Landlord or other Person in whose Right any Defendant in Replevin may make cognizance, or of any Lessor in whose immediate and individual Behalf any Action may be brought or defended, either wholly or in part, is hereby repealed.