Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, allow any Standard for Gold Wares not less than One Third Part in the whole.
I. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty, by any Order or Orders to be from Time to Time made by and with the Advice of Her Privy Council, to order that any Gold Vessel, Plate, or Manufacture of Gold may be wrought of any Standard not being less than One Third Part in the whole of Fine Gold, to be declared in any such Order, and also to approve thereby of the Instrument with which Gold Vessels, Plate, and Manufactures of Gold shall be marked or stamped, setting forth in Figures the actual Fineness thereof, according to the Standard so declared; and every such Gold Vessel, Plate, and Manufacture of Gold may be wrought accordingly; and it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, by and with the Advice aforesaid, to revoke or alter from Time to Time any such Order as aforesaid.