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The term “owner” means any person or persons, or body of commissioners, or body corporate, entitled to hold any fair, whether in respect of the ownership of any lands or tenements, or under any charter, letters patent, or Act of Parliament, or otherwise howsoever.
Power to alter days or places for holding fairs.
3. In case it shall appear to the Lord Lieutenant in Council, upon representation duly made to him by the owner of any fair in Ireland, that it would be for the convenience and advantage of the public that such fair should be held on some day or days other than that or those on which such fair is used to be held, or at some other suitable place (not more than one half mile distant from the town, village, or other place where such fair is used to be held,) provided for that purpose by the said owner, it shall be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant, by and with the advice of Her Majesty’s Privy Council in Ireland, to order that such fair shall be held on such other day or days as he shall think fit, or at such other place as aforesaid: Provided always, that notice of such representation, and of the time when it shall please the Lord Lieutenant to order the same to be taken into consideration by the Privy Council, shall be published once in the Dublin Gazette, and in three successive weeks in some one and the same newspaper of the county, county of a city, or county of a town in which such fair is held, or if there be no newspaper published therein, then in the newspaper of some county adjoining or near thereto, before such representation is so considered.
Orders to be published, and fairs to be held only on days or at places named therein.
4. When and so soon as any such order as aforesaid shall have been made by the Lord Lieutenant in Council, notice of the making of the same shall be published in the Dublin Gazette, and in some one newspaper of the county, county of a city, or county of a town in which such fair is usually held, or if there be no newspaper published therein, then in the newspaper of some county adjoining or near thereto; and thereupon such fair shall only be held on the day or days or at the place mentioned in such order; and it shall be lawful for the owner of such fair to take all such toll or tolls, and to do all such act or acts, and to enjoy all and the same rights, powers, and privileges in respect thereof, and to enforce the same by all and the like remedies, as if the same were held on the day or days upon which, or at the place at which, it was used to be held previous to the making of such order.