Certain officers not entitled to superannuation.
16. If any Clerk of the Crown appointed for any county or borough after the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, or any Clerk of the Peace appointed for any county or borough after the twelfth day of February one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, who on accepting his appointment stated that he did so without any reservation in regard to any future steps that Parliament or the Government might be pleased to adopt connected with it, shall refuse to accept any office of Clerk of the Crown and Peace of which the salary and emoluments shall not be less than those of his previous appointment, the Lord Lieutenant may direct that such person shall cease to hold the said office of Clerk of the Crown or of Clerk of the Peace without being entitled to any superannuation allowance or compensation whatsoever, and his office shall thereupon be deemed vacant: Provided that any Clerk of the Crown or Clerk of the Peace, being an attorney or solicitor and holding office at the passing of this Act, may, on accepting any such office of Clerk of the Crown and Peace, elect to continue to practise as an attorney or solicitor, anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding; but in the event of his so electing, he shall not be entitled to any superannuation allowance or pension.