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An Act to grant certain Duties of Customs and Inland Revenue, to alter other duties, and to amend the laws relating to Inland Revenue. [5th July 1887.]
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1887.
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Part I.
Customs and Excise.
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[S. 2 rep. 8 Edw. 7. c. 49 (S.L.R.).
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S. 3 rep. 61 & 62 Vict. c. 10, s. 18.]
Restriction of amount of moisture in tobacco.
4. If any manufacturer of tobacco shall have in his custody or possession any tobacco (except tobacco which must undergo some process of treatment or manufacture before it is fit for sale), or if any dealer in or retailer of tobacco shall have in his custody or possession any tobacco, and such tobacco shall in either case on being dried at a temperature of two hundred and twelve degrees as denoted by Fahrenheit’s thermometer be decreased in weight by more than [1
thirty-two] per centum, he shall incur an excise penalty of fifty pounds and the tobacco shall be forfeited.
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Roll tobacco or cut tobacco in the custody or possession of a manufacturer of tobacco which is treated in the course of manufacture by baking, or hot-pressing, or stoving, shall be deemed fit for sale when the same has cooled after such treatment, and roll tobacco in such custody or possession, which is treated in the course of manufacture by pressing merely, shall be deemed fit for sale immediately upon being put in press.
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[Ss. 5–16, being Part II. (“Stamps”), rep. 54 & 55 Vict. c. 39, s. 123.]
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Part III.
Income Tax.
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[S. 17 rep. 8 Edw. 7. c. 49 (S.L.R.).]
Farmer may elect to be charged under Schedule D.
18. It shall be lawful for any person occupying lands for the purposes of husbandry only to elect to be assessed to the duties of income fax chargeable under Schedule D., and in accordance with the rules of that schedule, in lieu of assessment to the duties under Schedule B.
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The election of such person shall be signified by notice in writing delivered personally or sent by post in a registered letter to the surveyor of taxes for the district within two calendar months after the commencement of the year of assessment; and from and after the receipt of such notice the charge upon him to the duties of income tax for such year shall be under Schedule D., and the profits or gains arising to him from the occupation of the lands shall for all purposes be deemed to be profits or gains of a trade chargeable under that schedule.
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[Ss. 19–21 rep. 8 Edw. 7. c. 49 (S.L.R.).]
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[1 Substituted for “thirty-five” by 4 Edw. 7. c. 7, s. 3 (2).] |