Minister for Industry and Commerce may revise rates.
19.—(1) The Commissioners shall so adjust the scales of all tolls (whether payable in respect of the works authorised by this Act or any of them or in respect of the property now vested in the Commissioners) that the annual income derived by them from such tolls shall be sufficient and not more than sufficient to meet their annual expenditure.
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(b) upon investigation by him after representations made in that behalf by the Commissioners, or by a Chamber of Commerce or any shipowner or shipping company or other person concerned that the amount of the annual income derived by the Commissioners from such tolls calculated on the average of the then three last preceding, years is either insufficient or excessive for the purpose of meeting the annual expenditure of the Commissioners calculated on the average of the three years aforesaid the Minister for Industry and Commerce may by order (whether by way ,of increase or of decrease and notwithstanding any statutory or other limitation now existing) modify the scales of such tolls so that the amount of the annual income derived from such tolls shall be sufficient and not more than sufficient to meet the annual expenditure of the Commissioners.