State Property Act, 1954


Instruments Validated.

Section 26 (1).

1. A Deed of Exchange dated the 21st day of June, 1929, made between Anne Moran of the one part and the Minister for Defence of the other part whereby—

(1) the said Anne Moran assigned to the Minister for Defence certain lands therein described as follows—

“All that part of the lands of Little Forest containing six acres, two roods and twenty-two perches statute Measure or thereabouts and shown on the plan annexed hereto and therein coloured red situate in the Barony of Nethercross and County of Dublin”


(2) the Minister for Defence assigned to the said Anne Moran certain lands therein described as follows—

“All that part of the lands of Rock containing seven acres three roods and thirty-four perches statute Measure or thereabouts and shown on the plan annexed hereto and therein coloured green situate in the Barony of Coolock and County of Dublin”.

2. The Shannon Fisheries (Transfer of the Athlone and Castle-connell Fisheries) Order, 1937, made on the 14th day of April, 1937, under section 7 of the Shannon Fisheries Act, 1935 (No. 4 of 1935).

3. The Shannon Fisheries (Transfer of Killaloe Eel Fishery) Order, 1938, made on the 27th day of April, 1938, under section 7 of the said Shannon Fisheries Act, 1935 .

4. A Transfer dated the 1st day of October, 1947, whereby the Minister for Health transferred to the Grangegorman Mental Hospital Board part of the lands of Santry Demesne comprised in Folio 4435 County Dublin in the Register of Freeholders maintained under the Registration of Title Act, 1891, and comprising 222 acres and 1 perch or thereabouts statute measure with the Mansion house thereon known as Santry Court situate in the Barony of Coolock and County of Dublin.