Exchange Control Act, 1954


29.—(1) Any document under this Act may be served on a person—

(a) by delivering the document to such person,

(b) by sending the document by post in an envelope addressed to such person at the address at which he ordinarily resides or carries on business, or

(c) where such person is absent or abroad or his address is unknown and cannot be ascertained by reasonable inquiries—

(i) by delivering the document to an agent of the person, or

(ii) by sending the document by post in an envelope addressed to an agent of the person at the address where the agent ordinarily resides.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, a company registered under the Companies Acts, 1908 to 1924, shall be deemed to carry on business at its registered office and every other body corporate and every unincorporated body shall be deemed to carry on business at its principal office or place of business in the State.