Employment Permits Act 2024


Enforcement, Offences and Penalties

Authorised officers

51. (1) The Minister may appoint in writing such and so many of his or her officers to be authorised officers for the purposes of all or any of the provisions of this Act and such appointment may be specified to be for a fixed period.

(2) A person who, immediately before the commencement of this section, was an authorised officer appointed under the Act of 2006 shall be deemed to be an authorised officer appointed under this Act, and this section shall apply accordingly in respect of that person.

(3) Every authorised officer appointed under this section shall be furnished with a warrant of appointment and shall, when exercising any power conferred on him or her by this section, if requested by a person affected, produce the warrant of appointment or a copy of it to that person.

(4) An appointment under this section as an authorised officer shall cease—

(a) if the Minister revokes the appointment,

(b) if the appointment is for a fixed period, on the expiry of that period, or

(c) if the person appointed ceases to be an officer of the Minister.

(5) For the purposes of this Act, an authorised officer may, subject to subsection (6)

(a) at all reasonable times enter any premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft on, at or in which there are grounds to believe that any trade or business or any activity in connection with a trade or business is being, or has been, carried on, or that records relating to such trade, business or activity are kept, and search and inspect the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft and any records that are on, at or in such premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft,

(b) secure for later inspection any, or any part of any, premises or place or any vehicle, vessel or aircraft on, at or in which such records are kept or there are reasonable grounds for believing that such records are kept,

(c) require any person who carries on such trade, business or activity or any person employed in respect of such trade, business or activity to produce to him or her such records and where such records are kept in a non-legible form to reproduce them in a legible form or to give to him or her any information as the authorised officer may reasonably require in relation to any entries in such records,

(d) inspect and take copies of or extracts from any such records, files, papers or electronic information system on, at or in the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft including, in the case of information in a non-legible form, copies of or extracts from such information in a permanent legible form,

(e) remove and retain such records for such periods as may be reasonable for future examination, subject to a warrant being issued for that purpose by the District Court,

(f) require any such person to give to the authorised officer any information which the authorised officer may reasonably require in respect of such trade, business or activity or in respect of the persons carrying on such trade, business or activity or employed in connection with such trade, business or activity,

(g) require any such person to give to the authorised officer any other information which the authorised officer may reasonably require in respect of such trade, business or activity,

(h) require any person by or on whose behalf data equipment is or has been used or any person having charge of, or otherwise concerned with the operation of the data equipment or any associated apparatus or material, to afford the authorised officer all reasonable assistance in relation to it and assist in the retrieval of information connected with the operation of such data equipment, apparatus or material,

(i) summon, at any reasonable time, any other person employed in connection with such trade, business or activity to give to the authorised officer any information which the authorised officer may reasonably require in relation to such trade, business or activity and to produce to the authorised officer any records which are in the control of that other person,

(j) have photographs taken of anything on, at or in the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft and remove the photographs from the place, and

(k) inspect any vehicle, vessel or aircraft relating to such trade, business or activity.

(6) An authorised officer shall not, other than with the consent of the occupier, enter a private dwelling unless he or she has obtained a warrant from the District Court under subsection (9) authorising such entry.

(7) Where an authorised officer, in the exercise of his or her powers under this section, is prevented from entering any premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft, an application may be made for a warrant under subsection (9) authorising such entry.

(8) An authorised officer appointed under this section, when exercising any powers conferred on an authorised officer by this Act, may be accompanied by such other authorised officers or members of the Garda Síochána or both as he or she considers necessary.

(9) Without prejudice to the powers conferred on an authorised officer by or under any provision of this section, if a judge of the District Court is satisfied on the sworn information of an authorised officer that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is information required by an authorised officer under this section held on or at any, or any part of any, premises or place or in any vehicle, vessel or aircraft, the judge may issue a warrant authorising an authorised officer, accompanied by such other authorised officers and members of the Garda Síochána as provided for in subsection (8) at any time or times within one month from the date of issue of the warrant, on production if so requested of the warrant, to enter the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft if need be by reasonable force, and exercise all or any of the powers conferred on an authorised officer under this section.

(10) A person shall comply with any request or requirement of an authorised officer under this Act.

(11) A person who—

(a) obstructs or impedes an authorised officer in the exercise of a power under this section,

(b) without reasonable excuse, does not comply with a requirement under this section, or

(c) in purported compliance with such a requirement, gives information that is false or misleading in a material respect,

shall be guilty of an offence.