Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Act 2024

National Surrogacy Register and relevant child (Chapter 1)

207. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the AHRRA shall make an entry in the National Surrogacy Register, in respect of the relevant child, as soon as is practicable after the AHRRA receives the section 204 application concerned.

(2) An entry under subsection (1) shall contain the following particulars, to the extent known:

(a) the information in respect of the relevant child, the surrogate mother and the intending parents (or, in the case of a single intending parent, that intending parent) as given to the Court as part of the section 204 application;

(b) where the section 204 application has been determined, whether or not a parental order was granted and the date of the determination.

(3) Where the AHRRA becomes aware of updated information in relation to subsection (2), or of an error in any information entered under that subsection, it shall, without delay, update or correct the information, as the case may be, and contact an tArd Chláraitheoir, where necessary, to inform him or her of such updating or correction, as the case may be.