Chancellor and Council of the Duchy of Lancaster empowered to grant Lands for the Site of an Institution.
II. The Chancellor and Council of Her Majesty’s Duchy of Lancaster for the Time being, by any Deed or Writing under the Hand and Seal of the Chancellor of the said Duchy for the Time being, attested by the Clerk of the Council of the said Duchy for the Time being, for and in the Name of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, may, if they see fit, grant, convey, or enfranchise, to or in favour of such Institution, any Land forming Part of the Possessions of the said Duchy, not exceeding in the whole One Acre in any One Parish, upon such Terms and Conditions as to the said Chancellor and Council shall seem meet; and where any Sum or Sums of Money shall be paid for the Purchase or Consideration for such Land so to be granted, conveyed, or enfranchised as aforesaid, the same shall be paid into the Hands of the Receiver General for the Time being of the said Duchy, or his Deputy, and shall be by him paid, applied, and disposed of according to the Provisions and Regulations contained in an Act of the Forty-eighth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, Chapter Seventy-three, or any other Act or Acts now in force for that Purpose.